Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), the largest industrial company in the United Arab Emirates outside oil and gas, today announced that Amal Alsayegh, an Emirati engineer, will represent the UAE on behalf of the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT) and EGA for the Middle East and Asia region at the International Electrotechnical Commission’s (IEC) Young Professionals Programme.

The IEC sets international standards for electrical and electronic technologies, ensuring safe and reliable products and infrastructure worldwide. The IEC has established the Young Professionals Programme since 2010 as part of its strategy to engage young professionals in the field of standardisation. Amal Alsayegh, a data engineer at EGA, specialises in Industry 4.0, has been selected by the National Committee of the United Arab Emirates as one of two Emirati candidates to represent the UAE during the IEC’s Young Professionals Programme.
As part of the Programme, participants from all around the world are chosen to represent their regions and provide input in standardisation and conformity assessment work globally.
His Excellency Omar Al Suwaidi, Undersecretary of MoIAT, said: “In line with our leadership’s vision & directives, we strive to empower our youth and provide them with opportunities to grow and excel. Young people play a critical role in the industrial and advanced technology sectors, which draw local talent given their importance for the UAE’s strategy for economic growth and innovation. We are proud to see Emiratis thrive in this vital sector and will continue to upskill local talent and promote the development of the industrial sector under the objectives of Operation 300bn.”
Abdulnasser Bin Kalban, Chief Executive Officer of Emirates Global Aluminium, said: “At EGA, we are dedicated to driving innovation and empowering youth, with particular focus on supporting women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This appointment reflects both EGA’s success in attracting and developing the best talent, and Amal’s own impressive capability. I congratulate her on this honour.”
The appointment is the third time an EGA engineer has been chosen by the National Committee of the United Arab Emirates to participate in the IEC Young Professionals Programme and a third consecutive appointment for a UAE National to represent the Middle East and Asia regions.
The UAE is one of few countries in the world where more women than men graduate from university in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. EGA runs programmes to inspire youth interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics and is a major employer of STEM professionals, with around 1,500 people working at the company in roles in these fields.