Windward’s Predictive Intelligence is powered by MAIA, an AI solution

Al Fardan Exchange has recently announced a corporate partnership with leading predictive intelligence company, Winward, offering support to Al Fardan Exchange’s Compliance team through the monitoring of maritime vessels and mitigation of sanction related risks.
Windward’s Predictive Intelligence is powered by MAIA, Maritime Artificial Intelligence Analytics – an AI solution based on 300 behavioral analytics models and over 10 billion data points.
The company’s proprietary platform provides banks and other financial institutions with a 360° solution that supports sanction risk management strategies. As more demanding regulations target the broader maritime ecosystem, financial institutions are now required to enhance the evaluation of the customers whom we conduct business with.
The vessel Screening and tracking solution of Windward will enable the compliance team of Al Fardan Exchange to conduct enhanced due diligence on transactions related to trade and shipment via sea which would greatly help Al Fardan Exchange to mitigate risks associated with Trade based Money Laundering and Global Sanctions.
“The technology solutions provided by Windward such as Windward’s maritime risk intelligence provides opportunities to expose money laundering and fraud risks posed by maritime entities,” commented Hasan Fardan Al Fardan, CEO, Al Fardan Exchange. “Al Fardan Exchange is consistently raising the Compliance Bar and working with innovative partners to help fight financial crime in the GCC. We are thrilled that Al Fardan has chosen our AI powered to help mitigate Trade and Maritime related risks,” remarked Chris McLeese, Commercial Director, Windward.
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